Tuesday, August 11, 2009


She put her fingers to her neck and closed her eyes only for a second, quick enough for no one to notice. Quick enough no one would see I had to remind myself I was alive. My breathing sounds shallow to me, she told herself. Slower. Slow down. When she pried her eyes open she watched the world spin past her. I cant keep up. I cant slow down, I cant speed up, im stuck. Stuck in the quicksand we call time, which eventually drowns us all. Her eyes moved to her watch, my eyes moved to my watch. 10 past, Im late, she’s late. We’re late. The both of us. Our legs move, in unison almost as if we’re one. Are we? She is in my body, or am I in hers? We walk, long strides with heavy feet. All I see is our feet, I wonder if she sees the same. Theres a chill going down my back, I ask her to put on our jacket, she responds. We hop across streets and crash into puddles, allowing our jeans to soak up whatever wreckage it can en route to her destination that I cant remember. She knows, she’s taking us, and all I need to do is let her. Stop I say, wait I say. And she stops, and she waits for me to give her the cue its ok for us to leave. I sit, she’s confused and I can feel it. Why here? Why on this block. She looks up and she sees. The glimmering windows and all we see is our reflection looking back at us. The brown of our hair is not as shiny as I once remembered. Its dull and frizzy. I take my palms and push it down around my face, but it doesn’t help. The hair will do as it will, just as she. Our face is pale, I cant remember when we were last out. I turn my cheek and I cant help but notice the apparent jutting of my chin, protruding farther than it used to. I’ve lost weight. She grabs our stomach, empty. Just like us. I cant remember our last meal, that could account for our lifeless looking physiche. We need to eat she tells me, I don’t want too I snap. HONK.
We spin around to watch a funeral procession drive by. The tinted windows reflect the city around it to keep us out of their loss.

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