Monday, May 26, 2008

frank the tank

Everything is crystal clear I see it now. Above the clouds there's nothing left but me and this, this body. A higher sense of what I thought I was. What I'm sure I am. Becoming more than I ever thought… and then and then my feet are still on this concrete. The impact of my fall could kill most but not me.

"Are you ok?" a woman screams at me. She's not helping. Maybe if I pretend to be dead she-

"Take his pulse," a man shrieked. I feel hands on me, on my bruises, pushing prodding.

"Is he still alive?" someone yells

"Did that boy jump?!" someone asks, more curious than concerned. The pushing continues, the poking persists. Someone's cold fingers touch my neck, they're soft, a woman's finger tips. I hope that my heart has stopped beating; I pray that I am inches from deat-

"Heartbeat. Th-theres a heartbeat" someone yells, I assume it's the woman with the soft hands.

"You're going to be ok," she whispers only loud enough for me to hear. Only for me. The rising call of the sirens echoes in the streets, closer and closer still. Someone called the ambulance. Asshole. I hear the shuffling of feet and a demanding voice sternly yelling "let me through! Let me through! O dear god" I must look pretty bad, I smile, or I tell myself to smile but I'm not sure if I really am. I can't feel my body; all this noise is beginning to fade. Is this what dying feels like? Mm, What a rush.

"Is he gonna be alright" She questions

"Are you family?" He asks

"No." she says. No?

"No?" He asks. I assume she shook her head

" I can't allow this information to…." He begins

"I don't think he has any family" she interrupts

"But its against…" he argues

"No one will ever know" she adds I hear a sigh. She's won

"He'll live" he says

"Did he jump?" she asks

"He- I- I couldn't tell you" he answers. Ow He knows, he's not stupid.

"Did you hear that?" she asks. Ow

"He spoke" she said. I spoke, I thought, I spoke.

Frank is my name. Not Mr. Maxwell, Frankie, Frankie bear, Frank the tank, Frank the creep, the loser. Not Frankiedoodles or frankiedizzle, Frank who cares, the crazy one. Frank the faggot. No, just Frank, and I Frank, did not intend to kill myself today.

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