Monday, January 7, 2008

Humanity-everyone is the same to a degree--our connection to each other.

When did society start judging people based off things other than a person’s character? For many years the color of someone’s skin or a persons gender determined a persons place in society. Unconsciously or consciously we were putting those persons down based upon something we saw on the outside instead of solely what is within. Perhaps it is part of our nature to just automatically judge someone or something by the way they [it] look, smells, feels like, or maybe we never made the decision at all. Maybe the reason we act this way is because it is so easy to judge someone else before really getting to know them for who they are and what they stand for. We as a race are consistently looking for simpler ways to do things, and without knowing it this laziness to not take the time to look beyond what we see will be our downfall. Even today people are still judged by their appearance, be it age or sexual orientation, dress or maybe beliefs everyone gets judged everyday and everyone does the judging. Even for a millisecond something will cross our mind that makes an assumption about the people we meet, and this assumption will constantly override anything you might think about them once they walk away. Why is this so? I can confidently say that if someone took the time to truly look at that first judgment they made about someone, they were almost always wrong. Training ourselves to look past this outward appearance will strengthen us as individuals as well as our spirits. As cheesy as it sounds, putting aside all the judgments and assumptions you make about anyone you’d see that most everyone is a decent human, and as a race finding similarities as opposed to differences will surely benefit us in the future especially with this tension between religions and political beliefs throughout the world.

Every human is a human and everything we do will affect more people than we realize, and in this we are all intertwined. On the inside with our same beating hearts and lungs, kidneys, bladder, we are all the same. All I think is that people should start acting like it.


Renee said...

I love the way you say not just our hearts are beating but our kidneys, bladder, etc. I like the idea of an organic, bodily rhythm that unites us all!


Traingirl said...

Your post makes me think about how much we think we "know" about someone just through the outward appearance of the body. We also put energy into how we project who we are through our bodies. The skater vs. the Goth vs the yoga girl vs. the artist. There are things to celebrate about these difference and also things to re-consider. But then, you are right, the heart, the kidneys, the organs...are nearly all the same. It's a nice contrasting statement about the languages our bodies speak.


Carrie SH said...

I really like this post. It's very true; we make assumptions all of the time whether we realize it or not.