Saturday, December 26, 2009

And who asked you anyways?

I'm the rainbow in your jail cell
All the memories of everything you've ever smelled

They weren’t the best. They weren’t even close. But it didn’t matter because despite everything they weren’t, they were everything they needed to be, and that was what I needed.
I met them on accident, a twist of fate. The loves of my life. The friends I’d been waiting for, and I cant say if it hadn’t been an accident I would’ve met them anyways. I would never have talked to them. There is no way on earth we’d have similar interests… right?
Misfits is what we were, its what we still are. I have never once experienced that feeling of truly fitting in one place, and this was the closest I got. A bunch of bricks thrown in a pile together cause not a one was perfect enough to build a wall. I sure as hell didn’t mind and I don’t think anyone else did. We were not raised to fit. We were born to stick out like sore thumbs. That’s why we all got along. There was nowhere to belong and we all had that in common.

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