Saturday, March 6, 2010

come on baby

The power of positive thinking: often underestimated, but the strongest thing we have. Pesimism is the new epidemic, it's so fucking contagious. I can see all the bad things I see, and just like everyone else, I've lost my hope, my ability to see beyond now and to a better future. My eye's are set to, this world is already so fucked up why bother?

Then I meet like-minded peopele, who see this world and all it's problems and see nothing but hope. Nothing but this idea that as long as we're alive, we can fight to be the best people we are and do the best we can and just caring and being vocal about it is enough to ignite some change. In the mood of a people, in the scope of the world.

So maybe the reason I never do anything to positively affect the world around me, is because I don't think I can. Or feel like I never do. You can't inspire hope in a people if you've got none yourself.

So then I have to ask myself; where does hope come from? This idea that tomorrow can always be brighter than today and today can always be better than yesterday. I have this theory, and maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like we're all born with that fire. This bright eyed cheery notion that anything can change in a second, and I can change the world. But as a society we get so afraid of one another we have to do everything we can to snuff this little light out, until we're all just empty impassive unhappy unsatisfied shell.

We can all "light our" own "fires" in a sense. But doing that is much harder than putting out the flame. That takes time and concentration and some serious critical thinking. Because suddenly you have to change a persons entire way of thinking, the way of thinking we've all become accustomed to.

So I'm going to do something about this. I hate that my thinking has become so stagnant and dark. I want to see the light in everything and everyone. I am on a mission to re-wire my brain so I can do my part instilling some much needed hope in this world.

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