Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eggs-O-Ten-sShell is.. Um?

So there is this idea that we're all existing at the same level as everything else in the universe. That despite what we perceive and define as reality, everything in essence is composed of the same things. I am me, and you are we, and we are all together. Kafka said it best when he implied that our compositions are so radically similar to everything else around us, that we can turn into giant freaking roaches.
But I just have to wonder how can we be so similar to everything else and yet so apparently different. And maybe that's where the absurdist ideas come in that say that we will never be able to fathom any kind of answer to the meaning of everything. Not as to say one doesn't exist, but that our human capacity just has no power to comprehend it.
And maybe that is true. We all pride ourselves as being the most intelligent species on earth, but maybe our level of consciousness is so small compared to whatever else is out there. We can't fathom this inevitable idea of infinity, that no matter what we say everything will always come back to.
We try. We do our best to explain through math and theorems thought up by some of the most intelligent of our species, but do we ever stop to think that defining the infinite is probabily the stupidest thing we could ever do. Infinity exists solely to not be defined, that is the point of infinity. To exist forever and never reaching any end. But yet we try to find some sort of explanation to what exactly infinity looks like and feels like, and I get the feeling that infinity exists as everything and feels like everything and confining it is such a narrow minded way of looking at things in this great expanse of existence.
Maybe we as a species are narrow minded. I wouldn't be shocked. We kill one another thinking only of ourselves and don't even stop to consider the consequences of abusing and wasting all our resources. We think we're invincible, because we've created this machine like world to live in, but I guarantee anyone who asks that anything that has to do with modern civilization will inherently destroy us all. And anyone who can't see that and would rather live in ignorance is just a prime example of why humanity can never come up with any concrete answers about anything.
Because we don't think enough about the questions to get the right answer. We ask what we will and interpret the answer to suit our needs.

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