Thursday, February 4, 2010

God put a song on my palm that you can't read.

i sleep on my back cause it's good for the spine
and coffin rehersal
i know a psychic who reads her own palms
and the findings are personal
she keeps her fists shut tight and she sleeps on her side,
well maybe she knows something i don't know
- Why?

Am I a liar? I do keep things from people, I think that's just human nature. You can't trust everyone with everything, but what if I purposely keep certain things from certain people. Am I a liar then? Or do I just have secrets that I value too much to share with said person?
I guess in order to be a liar I would have to warp the truth somehow. But here I just neglect to mention truths.
No they don't concern anybody.
And no, they're nobodies business. And no, it's nothing life altering or dangerous. They're just secrets, little secrets that keep my insides separate from the outside world.
And as long as I can remember, I have always been honest, and forward. I have always spilled my heart out to anyone because if they see all my wounds there is no way they can expose me, or embarrass me, or take advantage. But lately, this last year or so these little things have been piling up. Because they're nobodies business... right?
Because they don't concern anybody other than me.
Because I don't want someone to look at me and feel bad. Or try to pretend that they understand, because I am sick of hearing "I get that" or "I know exactly!" and then it's like I haven't taken a big risk and shared something personal, it's suddenly about them. And what they have to say.

And maybe I don't want to take that chance because what if they did actually care, and recognize I just took a risk on them. Where would that put me? I don't think I could even handle that kind of attention.
And suddenly I would be vulnerable again. I would have confided one of my little secrets that I hold deep in the back of my mind, in someone else who has a mouth, and a tounge, and a vocabulary. Someone who is perfectly capable of doing what I had tried to avoid for so long by being so open about everything. I would be exposed.

So does that make me a liar? The fact that theres something to expose?
Am I a faker?
Or a denier?
Or am I just like everybody else, acting like I'm something I'm not?
And if that is the case, I don't think I could even separate who I am, from who I pretend to be.

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