Thursday, February 18, 2010


Perception is funny. I see me this warped way, and everyone else that looks at me will put me through their shallow lense and see something else. I can't help but wonder if the person I am at the end of the scope is still me. Or if at some point along the way I was twisted and contorted into something else unrecognizeable.
And how would they even know?
How would I even know?
But if I think about it to long, it doesn't matter, because in essence we're all exactly the same. We all want things and get scared and upset. Almost nothing seperates every one of us because deep down we all have no idea what the hell we're doing or where we're going and why.
But we don't see it like that. We all focus on these minute differences, these little things that we make CATASTROPHIC when in the view of the rest of the universe or even the world, we are all exactly the same. One human is another is another is another.....

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