Saturday, February 6, 2010

Le coeur a ses raison que la raison ne connait pas.

And I'm just too tired to fight
So my darling, I'll succumb
- Sea Wolf

My heart is an amazing thing. The central piece to this odd combination of organs, fluids, muscle, and flesh. It keeps me alive, in the common sense of the word.

But beyond that, its duties run much deeper. It draws the line between just plain existence, and really being alive. There is this amazing thing that happens when I think about certain things or people. I become warm, and my heart beats hard enough for me to notice. And I feel. I feel what it's like to be alive, and human, and conscious. And it's beautiful. But more than that, it serves as a reminder. When I start to question myself, and my thoughts, the way my heart beats tells me how I feel about my thinking.
When it aches and I find it hard to breathe, I know that something's wrong.
When it beats fiercely causing my blood to boil and my skin to pink, it's something that in the back of my mind that I've been denying and suddenly emotion hits my body like a hurricane, and I will be smiling in all this warmth, or embarrassed at my display of emotion.
And when it beats calmly, while I confront something that used to make my skin pink and blood boil, it's a symbol of my growth. How far I've come, and how much I've changed.
My heart and its reactions and spasms, is what separates me from everyone else out there.
They are the things that indicate who I really am, and what I really want.
And beyond keeping me alive in the scientific sense, it shapes a purpose for my motives. It gives me meaning and some fight in this long and sometimes dreary existence.

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