Saturday, February 20, 2010

my arcile

Lets talk about god and the devil.
We like to take thee characters and turn them into something fathomable. Something believable, because as humans we couldn't even begin to comprehend god or anything related to such a divine power. I don't believe in god, in the normal sense. I don't believe that there was a being, a life-form that set out to create humanity.
I feel like most people misunderstand what god really is, and it goes back to that perception thing. One person perceived god and the idea of god one way, and suddenly it's become so skewed and unrecognizable we no longer have the opportunity to really react to this information that has been set before us. Either accept, or deny. Be either admitted to "heaven" or damned to "hell".
My perception, and the way that I think maybe it was intended to be perceived as, is that God is an idea. God is the embodiment of all that is good in humanity. God is kindness and selflessness and compassion. Satan, the devil, Lucifer, what have you, that is the bad parts of humanity. That is greed, and jealousy, and pride, our basic instincts. To want for ourselves and only ourselves and think of no one else. God and Satan are just loaded words that just mean good and bad. Right and wrong. Yin and Yang.
It is so easy to just get angry every time something doesn't go the way you desire. It's easy to never admit that I was wrong, or to take from someone who doesn't know any better. And because of our conscience, and the way the universe works, you end up in hell. This life constantly Eb's and flows between this heaven and hell, the two worlds often intersecting where most of us fall. Between indifference and ignorance.
Succumbing to our bad natures will only make our lives harder. It will only push us to our worst making this "hell" a physical reality, and we're all headed there.
Now fighting that, and trying to be a better person I firmly believe means that we can reach a bliss, and perfect state of yin and yang.
People spend their entire lives building up for the moment where they will reach this ultimate end, and they will be sentenced to eternity in...wherever. But eternity is here, this reality that we all exist in, this is eternity. And as the universe intended, we can make it as we wish either a hellish horrible place to exist, or something more than that. Something that is worth more than just existing in.

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