Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Feeling of Feeling.

Oh the world
Still decieves you as it turns
Well in my weakest moments I could see
Oh that the heart may be
The weakest part of me
- Noah And The Whale

I get so paranoid. When people start doing things I do, and thinking like me, it freaks me out. I feel like they're trying to steal things from me. Not physically, but in otherways. Little tid-bits of my personality. The way I speak, and look, and the things I do. I am afraid that if someone takes enough of me and makes it their own, I'd have nothing left. I might as well just fade into the background and disappear. Or better yet, just cease to exist at all.
Does that make me conceited? Because I don't believe it's out of conceit that I think this way. It's that I think people are vicious enough they would want to steal everything that makes me an individual from me. Is it wrong that I don't want to just fade into the background?
I am not trying to make myself seem like I am something special to everyone in the world. But I know I am to me. And I know I am to people I know. So why would they still want to know me if there's someone who can look, act, and talk just like me? Think just like me. What the hell would be the point?
And I feel so selfish. I want to keep all these things in a pile and guard them so no one will ever see them and want to take them. That in itself is demolishing who I am. Then that's like I am purposely hiding components to myself just because I'm scared someone else will come along and play me better than me.
Then what would I have left,
when the best role I play in this great story,
is usurped by someone else?

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