Friday, January 29, 2010


They say "they never really miss you til you dead or you gone"
So on that note i'm leaving after the song
- Jay Z

I hope I don't take things for granted. I acknowledge all the wonderful things I've been blessed with in the back of my mind, all the time. And feel like I could never ask for more, and yet I always find myself wanting. And telling myself I need more. Do I feel entitled to more? I'd like to think that everyone feels this way. The longing for something else, something that will solve me. Complete me.
Like Shel Silversten's kid's book "The Missing Piece". Where the circle is missing a little piece and so he spends his whole life going on this journey to find the piece to complete him, and when he finds it he starts to miss all the things he had when he didn't have the piece. I guess thats the trick.
To want something, but be aware that even without it nothing is wrong. And without it you love your life anyway, but having it there will just make everything look brighter, taste sweeter, and feel better. The Circle just spent the entire book looking for the piece and taking for granted all the wonderful little things he had just rolling slowly around. He wanted something more, something greater.
And maybe that's just one of those built in things where we always think we need things to make our lives better but in reality it changes nothing. And maybe everyone feels like that.
But I just wish for once, that whatever I thought I needed, I did need.
And what I wanted, I truly wanted.
And I would quit convincing myself that everything would be better "if",
and look at my life and go,
nothing could be better than this.

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