Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Only In Dreams?

I wanna have friends that I can trust,
that love me for the man I’ve become not the man I was.
I wanna have friends that will let me be
all alone when being alone is all that I need.
I wanna fit in to the perfect space,
feel natural and safe in a volatile place.
And I wanna grow old without the pain,
give my body back to the earth and not complain.
- The Avett Brothers

I couldn't sleep last night. Every time I drifted off I dreamed it was the end of the world, and I was the only one that could save it. Well, the only one that wanted to save it. Everyone else was afraid, and upset, but no one would do anything about it. Just me. And I would try to save it, and I couldn't, then I'd wake up. I have been wondering lately if this world is a lost cause. All these people, that wander around numb to events going on around them, they're already lost to their ignorance. I don't want to believe that. But anyone who thinks like me tells me that humanity is a lost cause.
We can't be lost, can we? Everyone can be redeemed right? But what if, what if now we're too far gone? We are such a supposedly intelligent species, but how can we just get so lost in ourselves that eventually we make it impossible to live? And how can we be so indifferent about our fellow human beings just because they don't speak like us or look like us? How can we be so indifferent about, not just our fellow species, but every other species out there that we are killing with our selfish need to fuel and travel expediently? I cannot be the only one with a conscience. I refuse to believe that. What ever happened to the counterculture "freaks" of the 60's and 70's who preached equality and fought peaceably for their ideals? Did they all get lost? Or just absorbed by mainstream society?
Am I the last living human who hurts when she thinks about how children go starving everyday, and animals are robbed of their homes just so we can fulfill our materialistic desire?
I need to live, and get by, like everyone else. I have to exist and use resources yes, but is everyone else ignorant to the fact that one day these resources will be used up and at the rate we're burning them we'll be out of them in no time? Each and everyone of us is slowly committing suicide and soon there will be nothing left.
I hope that I am not naive and too idealistic. I hope that somewhere out there, there are people who realize all these things and want to do something about it.
If not, god save us all.

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