Saturday, January 9, 2010

In an aeroplane over the sea

In my place, in my place
Were lines that I couldn't change
- Coldplay

I get too attached. I am being self-destructive, I feel it. A nuclear bomb has been dropped and its going to burst, I know it.
You make me angry. The un-specific you. You make my skin fucking crawl sometimes, and then you do the sweetest things. You are so freaking bi-polar I can't see you clearly anymore. The way you act and the things you do seem to be polar opposites, and all of a sudden all my reason is lost.
I want to tell you how to live your life, you need some fucking direction but it's not my place. I have nothing invested, and sometimes I really wish I did because really you're truly something, but I can't, and I won't. I refuse to allow myself to be wooed by someone who can't piece his life together when it's falling apart. How can you just let it all fall apart? For the sake of that poor girl jesus you have to pull yourself together, but you won't. I know you well enough to know you're a good boy, man, whatever, but you can be such an idiot. This person should be able to rely on you, and one day you're going to wish that she could, but she won't because you were never there.
And god I want to tell you that. All of that, but I can't, because if I did you wouldn't listen. If I did you'd just think I was acting crazy or being a fool but I just care, I really truly care, but it's not my place to care. And it brings tears to my eyes at the thought that this little girl will never truly know you. She won't know all the sweet things that I know you are capable of. You will just be the man who never tried and that makes you a very sorry son of a bitch, because one of these days I just know it, an atom bomb will drop in your heart when you realize she wants nothing to do with you.
You could fix it, if you wanted to you could prevent all of this, but you wont. And in some ways I wish you'd somehow read this. I wish that you would read this and be hurt and get upset and tell me how wrong I am. I want you to prove me wrong and tell me that you do care, and I don't know what I'm talking about. Then maybe you'd go to that crazy woman and tell her you want to be involved. That you want to be there for that little girl.
But I know you, you like to think you're helpless. You like to play the fool, but damnit you're not. I want to tell you to grow a pair and just grow up. Grow the fuck up and be a father, but I won't. It's not my place.
But goddamnit I wish it was.

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